Friday, October 23, 2009

blast tro

Onuce there was scientist named docter. duf who made a robot for a son. The metal on his him looked skin. the name of this wonderful boy is blas. He did not know that he was a robot yet.He was planning to tell him when he turned 10 years old. So when he turned 10 years old duf told
blas that he was a robot. He said'' so what supper cool powers do I have supper strength cool''
(so it wasn't all those years of working out) any thing else. Oh!what what what! only lasers in your elbows,a life raft in your chest and x-ray eyes.So teach me how to use these coll things.Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh waite what. Teach me. FINE! yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. let's go to the hill's so you can learn to use these moves. Put your arms back and swing them forward then the life raft will eject.
Think about lasers to shoot them. samething for x- rays. The rockets- there is a botten on each heal. And why can't I take off this wach that wach telles you about dangers in the town.But I did not trun it on obvously. Just let me do that
ok it should wrok now. Ring............ring.........ring I think it wroks ring...........ring............ring are you going to anser that. Yes hello yes blas tro the wrold is in danger what how!! Well docter doom
is trying to use you to fight in his army.He has many disguyses. The 5 are a citizen,cop,fireman,mailman and security gaurd.Look for any difernt badges.And don't let him catch you he lives in a big metal dome.Buy.No wait uh.Well I guss I better be off buy dad.No wait please come back soon.Ok click click went the bottens on his heel zoom.looking for a big metal dome.wait what is that in the horizon. that looks like a big metal dome.It is!As I zoom in.Ha I wonder how to turn these off. Ut oh noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!i'm falling ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Ut oh I landed in his tree. Zzzzzzzzzzzz went the lasers i'm down you think he'll notice naaaaaaa. He is coming. i'm going to hide. Ha who did this to my tree. Any hoo time for my evilist plan. A cold hand crped up and over his mouth.And down a hach they went. Hi my name is kasy and this is my dog comnt. you after docter. doom to how did you know.I found you in his bushes. Ok you got me there. Did you get the latist plan.Yes I got all on recording. Here it is my evil plan is to get the boy and put him in my army to take over the wrold.First I will see how he dose and then put him in my army.Ok i'm going to see if he left.
smack he was knocked out. Then kasy came up the lader and saw that he was gone blas tro! uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what hapend where am I. In the battle arna wait what who am I facing japenes robot chain saw for arms and springs for legs.let's go now what are you made of x-rays
x-rays zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. So your made of iron I see. after he beat the robot. and killed docter. doom .

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